Monday, September 22, 2014

Environmental tax -- oops I mean "fee"

Whenever you buy certain electronic items, you pay a fee which goes to some organization which allegedly uses the money to "properly dispose of" these items. But REMEMBER: this is not a tax. Nothing to see here, just move along. Their website continuously repeats that this "fee" is not a "tax". I'm sure there is some technical explanation for why this is not the case, but either way it doesn't matter what they call this thing when I am forced to pay anywhere from $1 to $36 on top of the purchase price for an item.

Well, at least I can feel better because the organization reassures us that this fee is used 100% toward properly disposing of the item.

From the website:
Paid at the time of purchase, the fee reflects the true cost to collect, transport and responsibly recycle each item at the end of its useful life.
Alright, so they collect millions of dollars and they spend it all. That's reassuring!

But today a report came out showing this organization actually had a surplus of $850,000. Think about that for a second. A government initiative with a SURPLUS. What bozo was so stupid he couldn't think of any possible way to spend that money. I've seen firsthand the astronomical waste in government departments. If this person had any sense whatsoever, he would have used the money to build an amazing employee lounge with a massive tv, maybe a pool table, and possible hire a dozen of his buddies to work for the operation.

Obviously he wasn't thinking enough like a government worker.


Tuesday, June 10, 2014

People and "causes"

If you post something on Facebook and say oh this is so awful I can't believe this happening, you haven't done anything. Ok, you've created a tiny sliver of awareness. But that's almost nothing. If you want to change something, do something. Don't bemoan the fact that some people are hungry, go give someone food. And please stop thinking that by demanding the government do something that somehow you've done something - you haven't.

Sunday, January 26, 2014

facebook is getting stupid

facebook is getting stupid now. just one politically correct article after another. not sure if anyone else notices that. like the huge number of articles about "fat is beautiful". there are several variants on this. it's always about women too. here are some examples
1) this advertiser was brave and commendable for using plus-sized models in their advertising
2) the industry thinks this woman who is average size is fat, but we disagree
3) barbie dolls are bad stereotypes, but this caring man created an accurate representation

okay, I get it. fat is beautiful, fat is normal, fine. but do I have to see it in every second post?

another thing is dogs and cats or animal abuse in general. help the animals, save the animals, protect the animals. oh and of course, lost animals. so many lost animals. it's like there's a huge epidemic of missing or abused animals and I have to find out about every single one.

then there's all the progressive memes. "denmark pays its teachers a million dollars a year and they only work 2 hours a day. unlike in america." or "portugal legalized all drugs unlike in the US where they are all banned. portugal is way better than america" etc.

oh and my favorite is the "society thinks this, but I think the opposite", when in actual fact 90% "society" already agrees with the "opposite". they just try to come off as morally superior.

I don't know about anyone else, but this is basically all I seem to see on facebook. so what I'm thinking of doing is writing something each day which is politically incorrect but probably a lot more accurate than all this stuff, so stay tuned!