Thursday, November 3, 2011

Freedom in Newfoundland and Labrador

This is my first post in my new blog about Newfoundland freedom. We've been traveling down the road to serfdom for quite some time in the province and its time we take a step back and ask ourselves if we are on the right path.

As it is right now, we have three political parties, the NDP, Liberals, and PCs, who are all just slight variations of each other. The main thing that joins them together is their desire to have government control in every aspect of our lives.

We just had a provincial election, and theoretically the most economically free party are the PCs. However, all this party could talk about was how it was going to use "government money" to invest in this that and the other thing, to fund new programs, to increase spending in these areas, etc. Even the most fiscally conservative party only talked about how the government was going to grow bigger and bigger all the time.

What we truly need in the province is freedom. Freedom of schools away from the bureaucracy, freedom from government programs, freedom to upgrade our healthcare, and especially freedom from burdensome taxes.

I heard an excellent thing today and I fact thought about it before. He said ask not what the country can do for you, ask what you can do for yourself. He modified it from JFK's original saying. I think this is so important.

As it is now, people in Newfoundland constantly campaign for the same thing: they want the government to "help" them. Companies looking for funding, or more regulations, or to limit competition, or to increase subsidies, or to add tariffs to various products. Unions want to limit who is allowed to work, they want to limit competition, and they want to hold on to unproductive workers.

Government intervention is holding us back as a province and it's about time we broke free.

1 comment:

  1. I was just told about this blog and I can't believe I haven't seen it before. Great stuff. I think we would have a long chat.

    I'll be sue to add it to the NL BlogRoll in the next update!
