Monday, December 5, 2011

OCI already lost $10 million over three years - time to face reality

So the unions are belly-aching now because Ocean Choice International is shutting down its fish processing plant. They demand it be kept open. This is despite the fact that over the past 3 years, OCI has lost $10 million dollars. This should first of all highlight to these people that running a business is a profit and LOSS endeavor. Sure, it's possible to make millions of dollars, but as is clearly demonstrated here, it is also possible to LOSE millions of dollars.

Anyway, despite its dismal financial history, OCI offered to give workers another 18 weeks of work, then they would probably receive nearly a year in EI benefits. In all, these union workers would probably have well over a year to find new employment in a productive sector of the economy.

But this wasn't good enough for union reps. They demanded that the plant be kept open through massive subsidies into the foreseeable future. Never mind that this is a money-hole, these workers feel entitled to permanent work for their entire lives no matter what external factors present themselves.

The plant wasn't even going to fully shut down, 80% of it was.

Every single day, people lose jobs. But not everyone is a member of a whinny union which expects to be treated like royalty. Most people just lose their job then go find another one. They don't demand huge government subsidies to keep them afloat. We even have massive amounts of EI that everyone is entitled to.

Seriously, go find another job. You weren't born as a fish-plant worker. You can do something else, and you have over a year to find it.

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