Monday, July 30, 2012

Anti-discrimination laws

I'm opposed to all anti-discrimination laws. I believe in personal freedom. It's easy to advocate laws which you happen to agree with, to give the government the power to enforce them. But what happens when the government turns against you and violates your rights?

No one should be forced to serve anyone of any particular characteristic if they choose not to. It is their money and they can spend it however they like. Should I also be forced to be friends with people I don't want to associate with?

What gives you the right to force me to act or associate with anyone? Who are you? Are you my overlord? Must I bow down before you?

Having said that, I think a business would probably make a bad decision by discriminating against any particular group. They would probably lose a lot of business. But that's their choice to make.

People should be free to live how they see fit, without another group of people trying to reign over them.

Also, what one person calls unjust discrimination to another person is just discrimination. Catholics only want male priests. To an atheist, this may appear nonsensical, but Catholics have the right to do as they please. What right does an atheist have to dictate to the Catholic Church who it can or cannot hire. This is an example of something which may seem just to one group but unjust to another.

You see, when we try to be dictators, everything seems fine and dandy until the laws stop working in our favor. When we become dictated to, it's less pleasant.

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