Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Does the GOV own everything?

There are two rival ideologies. According to the first, people are the masters of their own domains. If you go into the forest with the permission of the land owner, use an axe you bought to chop down a tree, and sell the wood, then you are entitled to the proceeds from that sale. This is not because anyone authorized you to have those proceeds, but it is a human right that you own what you produce.

This ideology is countered by one which is becoming very popular which says the government owns everything. It owns your forest, it owns your saw, and it owns your labor. It essentially owns you. At the end of the day, it is up to the government to decide how much of what you produced you can keep. People who espouse this point of view do not see any level of taxation as inherently wrong. They only consider what they believe to be most effective.

According to those who espouse the second point of view, if a planned socialist economy worked "best", then the government has the full ethical right to establish it. People are simply cogs in a giant wheel. You do not own anything, you are simply a government employee.

Few people nowadays seem to make arguments about this from a moral perspective, rather they focus on a practical perspective. Increasing taxation is only bad if it has negative consequences, which are defined by those who advocate this point of view. I believe a strong case can be made from a moral standpoint. We can start by someone explaining to me how taxation is not a form of theft. First, define theft and then explain how that is not what the government is doing.

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