Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Busing issue for Newfoundland schools

So there is a lot of debate, as there is with all government programs, with the school bus situation in the province. Right now the policy is kids who are more than 1.6 kms away have to get a ride in the bus but anyone who is closer finds their own way. People within the 1.6kms are complaining because they think they should qualify too. So here's the solution.

Vouchers for transportation. Similar to educational vouchers, these vouchers are given to every student in the province. Then let the market take care of the needs. As usual, when you have the top-down approach, central planning, there is a lot of waste. There are buses arriving at schools with 5 students on them, even though it has capacity for 50. There are way too many rules about how kids can get to school. Plus, the money has to be filtered through the school board which hires "experts" to determine all this stuff. It's a total waste of money.

Instead of all this nonsense, just give the money directly to parents and let them decide. I'm not sure how much each parent would get, but it could depend on distance from the school. Perhaps $400 per km per year from school. That would all have to be worked out. So if a kid is 5km from school, he'd get $2000 per year for transportation. From this money, the parents could decide how to use it in ANY way possible. Don't put any restrictions on it. If they want to get a family friend to transport the kid to school and give them the money, go right ahead. A company might buy a large van which can hold 10 students, and parents may give the voucher to this entrepreneur.

The main thrust of this system is that by giving the money to each individual, they can decide what is best for them. As economist Frederick Hayek says in that internet rap song "I want plans by the many, not by the few". How can a single individual or small group of people know what's best for every student in the province? Imagine if the government planned from the top-down what types of food everyone would be provided with. Sure, they would hire experts in nutrition and food distribution, and every other field, but it would require an overwhelming level of knowledge. Yet, somehow leaving the decisions up to non-experts, i.e. moms, each child gets what he or she needs. Allergies are taken into consideration, preferences are factored in, etc.

If the government did run the distribution of food, there would also be many complaints from parents, but anyone who suggested giving the money to families to decide on their own would be labelled irresponsible. The argument would say that we need experts to determine proper nutrition and that these laypeople could never understand all the intricacies of food preparation.

Of course, this is absolute nonsense. The same goes for transportation. Let the parents decide. If a mom wants to drop off her own kids, she can pocket the money herself. This may be the best option for that family. I think people are better off making their own decisions.

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