Monday, April 27, 2015

Reduced Public Sector Announcement Brings out Economic Illiterates!

Some statements make you wonder if the person saying it can really be that stunned. One such comment was made today by socialist Earl McCurdy when responding, as head of the NDP, to the announcement by our broke provincial leader Paul Davis, that the public sector would be cut in the province.


In reaction to the proposed cuts, McCurdy’s brilliant comment was “We look ahead and we're going to have a shortage of young people in the workforce and opportunities for people as they graduate from school or post-secondary institutions is disappearing rapidly, so on all those fronts I think this is problematic.”


Does Mr. McCurdy honestly believe the solution to youth unemployment is just the government hiring them all? I’m guessing his solution to paying off the debt is printing more money. Hiring people for the sake of giving them a job is useless and unsustainable. You can’t just hire all the unemployed people and solve the problem. If you could, everyone would have done it already.


How are public sector employees paid? It’s through taxing productive activity in the economy. How can this man think he is in any way fit to be a leader? He doesn’t even understand the most rudimentary economics.


What we should want is more private sector jobs, because they produce wealth. Leaches don’t produce wealth, which is how the government gets money.


If McCurdy was right, we could instantly have 0% unemployment. We’d just have to build a pyramid or even just dig ditches and fill them back in again. Great ideas!


The problem with the province is not that it’s not hiring enough people in the “public” service, the problem is a lack of revenue. Saying hiring more people is the solution is like a snake eating its tail for nutrition.


It would be like a family running into debt because they are spending too much money, and to resolve the issue they decide to hire maids to clean the house. What sense would that make?


The public sector is a leech that lives off the productive activity of the rest of society. We should be trying to achieve the smallest public sector possible. Remember, public sector means expenses, private sector means revenue. No sensible person would be trying to increase their expenses.


I get this kind of talk at work and many other places as well. People think it’s the job of the government to hire people. Rather than seeing it as a necessary evil, they see the government as an ideal employer that would should all aspire to work for.


To sum it up: government = force, private = voluntary.

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