CBC is posting article after article after article gloating about The Rebel Media and other conservative outlets being in trouble for various reasons. One reason is the federal government will stop advertising there. To this, CBC has penned several giddy articles mockingly saying “boohoo” to Rebel. They brag about how much better CBC is than these low-brow publications. What is so ironic is that CBC could be (and actually is) the worst news outlet the world has ever seen and this would make one iota of difference to their bottom line. They don’t have to work hard to get advertisers or subscribers. They are protected by the full force of the law and not really required to compete in any real sense. They are given over a billion dollars each year to spout their liberal left-wing agenda and there’s nothing we can do about it.
The real extreme bias can be seen in their opinion pieces which are pages out of the socialist playbook. Recent articles on CBC have stated that anyone the CBC considers “right wing” or “far-right extremists” or whatever shouldn’t have freedom of speech. They argue for left-wing extremists it’s different. They in fact do have a right to free speech. But far-righters? Not a chance.
CBC is pathetic. They are like the trust-fund baby who hasn’t worked a day in his life and then brags about being superior to his hard-working friends who are struggling to make it in the world. They aren’t even aware of their own arrogance and privilege and in fact believe they are champions of the “common man”. In reality, they gloat when their non-wealthy friends, who are trying their best, falter.
CBC needs to be defunded. Then we’ll see how much longer they gloat.
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