Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Government oversteps again - puts people's lives at risk

The unaccountable initiator of force, also known as government, once again shows how inept and dangerous it has become. A 5-year old boy in England sought treatment for his serious cancer outside the country in Prague, Czech Republic. He had been in British socialist hospitals and was of course getting worse. By the way, in England people have terrible healthcare, but like in Canada they feel obliged to praise it because it’s “loving and fair”, even though it sucks.


So this kid’s family decides to go to Prague where it is not run by a totalitarian healthcare system which prevents people from seeking alternatives. But although the government didn’t like that its subjects left to seek a better solution, they let them go anyway because they are free, rational people right? WRONG! Nope, the government sent their thugs after them and had them arrested in a foreign country. That’s right, the arms of government can reach even beyond its own borders!


So anyway, after escaping this tyranny, the family sought proton beam treatment for their son. The result: he is cancer-free. Whereas before he couldn’t speak or feed himself, he can now talk again. Will the government of England now admit its mistake and declare that people are no longer domesticated animals and can make their own decisions? Of course not! They’ll continue to say that unless you submit to their “hospitals” which are horrendous, then you will be unsafe.


Had this boy died in a British hospital, there would have never been an article written about him. No one ever hears about stories like this unless it involves someone defying the all-powerful government. How dare they! Break free from the propaganda! Canada’s and England’s healthcare systems are not just terrible, they’re immoral! When “free” people cannot care for themselves or their loved-ones because some bureaucrats doesn’t want them to, that’s unjust and wrong!

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