Tuesday, March 31, 2015

The Nanny State Strikes Again!

Because adults are unable to think or act for themselves and are essentially children that need permanent parents, the Human Rights Tribunal has determined that some dress codes at work constitute human rights violations. Remember, employees voluntarily work at these places on a voluntary basis under a voluntary arrangement. But then again, children can’t really make free will decisions. And in the view of the statist, that’s what everyone is - children.


So according to this CBC article, a woman complained to the human rights tribunal that she was asked to wear a bikini top at work. A real human rights tribunal would have told her to quit and find work elsewhere. But this is Canada, so of course she was awarded $6000. Six grand – for what?? Being asked to do something you don’t want to do? She even refused to do it. Yet she still gets $6000!? That’s like 3 months salary on minimum wage!


If I worked at a company that asked me to do something I didn’t want to, I wouldn’t get $6000. I would either quit or be fired. And this has happened plenty of times in my life. I’ve worked in places where I cannot get along with my co-workers at all, yet I’m asked to work with them. I remember working at a job where I had to stand all day in uncomfortable shoes. I wasn’t used to standing that long, especially in those shoes and it was quite uncomfortable. I didn’t go to the human rights tribunal to complain. And I certainly didn’t get $6000.


Some people probably think the six grand is some kind of victory and depending on who you ask it’s a victory for different causes. Some will say it puts evil businesses in their place. Others will say it works toward ending sexism or “patriarchy”. But this is not a victory at all. Ultimately what it does is creates a population of dependents. Rather than stand on our own two feet, we rely on the government to take care of us. We become perpetual children. It’s like running to mommy when someone is “mean” to us.


A more effective solution to this is for the girl to quit and find another job. People should boycott the restaurant if they don’t want to go there. But maybe some girls want to work there and maybe some people want to eat there. Who is this group of bureaucrats to say that’s illegal? And let’s push this to it’s logical extension. What if someone refuses to wear a uniform that reveals shoulders? Do they get $6000? What if a very traditional Muslim woman wants to wear a burqa to work and thinks showing her face in public is wrong? If the boss asks her to wear a standard work outfit, should she have the right to sue the restaurant for $6k?


In the article they say in order for it to be considered a legitimate workplace demand, the same demand must be made of men. Of course, if our culture men and women are considered exactly the same. Does that mean if a woman must wear a skirt a guy must also? Otherwise, they can’t request it? What if a group of people believes it makes sense that men wear pants and women wear skirts at work? Is this a legal opinion? Nope, not under our system.


Also, with all these rules, there are other consequences. It puts a chilling effect on restaurants or other businesses who want to try new ideas. They will exist under the constant threat of a frivolous lawsuit claiming nebulous charges of sexism and other complaints. Some small businesses could be slapped with huge fines for even asking an employee to do something. Rather than simply refuse, she can just go to the human rights tribunal to collect thousands of dollars.


We need to demand to be treated like adults and to have self-ownership and responsibility and stop whining to the state and granting it these enormous powers to rule over us.


Here’s the story: http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/restaurant-dress-codes-open-to-sexual-discrimination-complaints-1.3012522

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