Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Mandatory Voting?

So Justin Trudeau, the former part-time drama teacher, who feels it’s his obligation to be our ruler and is thus running in the election to be Prime Minister has recently announced that he is considering making voting mandatory if he becomes PM. He also wants to change the entire voting system. As it is right now, there are a little over 300 jurisdictions for the federal elections. Each district votes and whoever gets the most votes wins that district. Then whichever party wins the most districts forms the governing party.


But Trudeau wants to change it. They say the Conservatives only got 40% of the vote, why should they rule! I’m not sure the precise system he wants, but it’s something about representative vote. So if 40% of people vote for conservatives, 40% of seats will be held by them. Probably a stupid system because then the national vote is a general vote, and does not represent local areas very well.


Anyway, the craziest thing is forced voting. How exactly would this work? Would you be fined for not voting? I’m assuming this is the course of action they would take. We are already bombarded by fees and penalties all the time anyway. No one should be forced to vote against their will. Politicians shouldn’t have nearly as much power as they do, if they are even required at all. This is absolutely outrageous if this goes through!

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